Erika Vonie

Media Appearances


BasicS With Babish

YouTube chef Andrew Rea and I dive into beginner tips and brew methods for the home coffee brewer.


 Consumer Desire Along Roast Degree: What Do Specialty Coffee Drinkers Actually Want From Us? | Erika Vonie, Expo Lectures 2019

Hey! That’s my personal ethos!

Hey! That’s my personal ethos!

My hour-long lecture at SCA 2019 was recorded for a the SCA podcast. Using hard data from my time at Trade, I spin the narrative of what specialty makes versus what customers want.

“So, Trade’s company mission is to turn coffee drinkers into coffee lovers and it’s a really nice echo of my own personal ethos, which is that I believe that specialty coffee can be for everyone because there is a coffee out there for every coffee drinker.”

Aga and I trying not to puke while waiting for the Coffee Masters final announcement

Aga and I trying not to puke while waiting for the Coffee Masters final announcement

Specialty Coffee Has a Sexism Problem

I am quoted alongside prolific women in coffee about the sexism problem within specialty coffee.

“Let the coffee speak for itself, the positive attributes, and all of the delicious things about it, without bringing gender into the equation. I'm making a very concerted effort to take gender and sexualization out of the language with which we speak about the coffee, and just let it speak for itself.”

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International Coffee Day on Today Show

I got to spend International Coffee Day with the Today Show, showing off my 3 best tips for home coffee making, as well as some really fun hacks to get excited about your morning brew!

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Microwave Lattes on Dr Oz

I got to have fun figuring out how to hack a latte using just my microwave! Hanging with Dr Oz and Tia Mowry, showing them the ins and outs of home latte hacks.

Cheers-ing with an American Idol!

Cheers-ing with an American Idol!

Doctor and the Diva

I spend some time with Kimberly Locke (of American Idol fame) and Dr. Steven Salvatore and walk them through home brewing, different types of coffee and how to make a pour-over

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Keys To the Shop Podcast

I talk with Chris DeFerio of Keys to the Shop about my career

“Erika’s energy and drive to learn, grow, and contribute to the industry is made very obvious in this conversation with is essentially a retrospective of her career. We talk about the road into coffee, competition experiences, the highs and lows of retail, what motivated her to go into green buying and the producing side of coffee, what would she change if she could go back, what is she most proud of, and her advice on how to make a difference from our places in retail.”

WHy Erika Vonie’s Coffee Masters Win Matters, Sprudge

I felt pretty good!

An insightful and timely article on the impact of my 2017 Coffee Masters win, and why two women finalists in competition was an important moment in Specialty Coffee.

“So my sense of competition with women is a camaraderie. Surround yourself with powerful women who keep pushing you as hard and as fast as you can go, because ultimately, we all benefit the better we are.”


Well that’s one way to make a pourover

Well that’s one way to make a pourover

My friend and former coworker having a little fun after hours with some decaf

This is actually a flash chilled Iced Coffee. Sorry.

This is actually a flash chilled Iced Coffee. Sorry.


I talk with David at Chowhound: CBS about why I love Cold Brew so much.

“Taste is still overwhelmingly tied to smell though, and the human body can smell more ways than one. In cold brew, we use cold or room temperature water to brew with, so those acids don’t decay, and those aromatics don’t evaporate. However, when we drink the cold brew, those oils hit you while in your mouth. This is called ‘retronasal olfaction’, which refers to the flavor of cold brew being created from molecules in the coffee, being pushed up into our nasal passages while drinking."


Sometimes I drink coffee, too!

I sit down with Newsweek to help readers find their favorite cup of coffee

"You go to the grocery store and you see this wall of coffee and you're like, 'I don't know. I like the color red and this package is red, so this must be the coffee for me.' It can really be confusing," Erika Vonie, a Q Arabica Grader and Trade's director of coffee, said to Newsweek. "But a good way to start exploring is to just start thinking about different types of things you like to eat and drink and whether or not you'd like to see that in a cup of coffee as well."